Using Paw wax & making your own

DIY Paw wax

Last winter we walked on icy roads everyday, eventhough I dryed Ambers paws after most of her walks, I noticed that the pads became dry and slightly cracked, probably because of the salt and the low temperature.

We haven't seen ice for several weeks now, but her pads are still dry and slightly cracked.
I came across a paw wax product in the petstore, it looked very promising, the layer applied to the dogs paws will create a thin layer which protects the paws against outer elements such as salt, cold or heat, but can also soften the pads and prevent and heal cracks.
I read the ingredients and decided to make my own at home (also because the price was quite rediculous).

And it is soo easy! There is a couple of recipes that you can find on the internet, I decided to use some of my own stuff that I already had at home.

- appr. 4 tablespoons of beeswax
- appr. 3 tablespoons of olive oil (extra virgin)
- appr. 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil
- appr. 1 tablespoon of cacao butter

I first used less olive and coconut oil, but the end product turned out very hard, so I melted it again and added some more oil. Now it is still quite hard but I scrape some of with my nail and melt it between my fingers, which works really well.

So this is how you make it:

Put a pan with some water on the fire and let this boil, then put another metal pan or pot on top of this pan (the beeswax cannot be directly in contact with the heatsorce for it will scorche). Cut the beeswax in small bits (1-2 cm blocks) to make it melt quicker. Put it in the pan and wait till it is melted, then add the other oils and the butter, mix it up really good (be carefull that you don't get any drops on you, or on the fire if you are using a gas stove). When it is properly mixed and melted together, pour it into a glass, metal or hard plastic container (I used a small cleaned out glass pesto pot). Let it cool for about 20 -30 min.

I have also seen some recipes using shea butter, vitamin E oil, hemp oils and even lavender oils.

I have so far used it before we go for a walk to make sure that she doesn't start licking it off straight away.
I warm a bit up in between my index finger and thumb, lift up her paw and massage it into her paw pads.

Let's hope those cracks will disseapear soon! :)

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